Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

As always, the weekend has come to a close. No matter how many days I have off, they always seem to fly by. Not that I'm complaining though--my kids have been great and I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow. A four day week will be nice too!

My weekend. Let's see.... Friday when I got home Pete and I drove to the Chevy store to pick up his car (he's been having tranny trouble). It took us almost an hour and a half from start to finish as there was a lot of traffic (it didn't help that we left at 4:30 either).

Saturday was supposed to be a terrible day. Lots of wind and rain were predicted but hardly any came. My parents drove out to see us. After visiting for a little while, we all drove to Manchester (I drove Pop's car with Mom, Pop went with Pete in the truck--my parents were leaving from Manchester to go home instead of driving back to our house). We all went to eat at Hops (yummy!!!) and then Mom and I went to JoAnn Fabrics while Pop and Pete drooled in Circuit City. Mom was going to make me some new living room curtains for my birthday until we figured out that it would actually be cheaper to buy them! I need 8 yards of fabric and it was running anywhere from $8.00 to $25.00 a yard! We'd also have to buy 8 yards of liner fabric, pleater tape, etc. Way too much $$$! I think I'm just going to dry clean my current ones. (Cat hair city!) After JoAnn's we went to Cape Cod Crafters and then to Christmas Tree Shop. It was very crowded but we picked up some great stuff (got a $15.00 tent like cat carrier for the truck). Saturday evening we took it easy.

Sunday: After church, Pete and I drove up to the Yankee Candle Flagship Store in South Deerfield, Massachusetts. It took us about an hour and a half to get there; it rained the whole way. Pete and I spent several hours in there checking everything out and smelling countless candles. Of course, we picked up some samplers for ourselves and some of the large jar candles to give out as presents. At the register, we got a $15.00 gas coupon (whoa!) so, of course, we topped of the tank (gas anywhere is cheaper than CT!). While Pete was filling up, I thought that maybe we could check out a little country store in Vermont that I had seen in a pamphlet in Yankee Candle. Seeing as it was only 1:30 and pouring rain (what were we going to do at home anyway?), we decided to drive up there. After driving an hour North of South Deerfield (which, remember, is an hour and a half away from home), we made it to The Vermont Country Store in Rockingham, Vermont. What a great place!!! We browsed for about an hour. We finally picked up some stuff to eat (I hadn't eaten lunch yet--only had a scone with Pete at Yankee Candle). I purchased a block of horseradish cheddar cheese (for later), some cubed Cabot cheddar, little wine crackers (on the sweet side--they're like little pretzle stubs only white. Dee-licious!), and some salted, smoked herring. Pete also got a root beer, honey sticks, and a generous hunk of chocolate-peanutbutter fudge. We ate the cheddar cheese, crackers, and fish in the truck before heading home. Pete didn't eat very much of the fish. Man, was it salty! It tasted great with the crackers and cheese. Afterward, my mouth and tongue felt like they had shrunk about 2 inches! We left the Country Store at 3:30 and pulled into Pete's mother's house at almost 6:00 (she was on the way home and I was dying of thirst). We visited for a little while and were home by 7:30. Pete and I both slept like rocks last night!!

Today (Labor Day): Not too much going on today. I went grocery shopping this morning, did 2 loads of laundry, helped Pete wash 3 windows, made a casserole, took a walk with Pete, and ate the casserole (lots of cheese, eggs, bread, and butter--almost like a souffle), and..... here I am. I'm about to go upstairs and figure out what to wear for tomorrow.

Well, that's it. There's my weekend in a nutshell. Let's hope my week at school is just as exciting but uneventful. I've got a GREAT group of kids. I told them on Friday that they're one of my best classes yet. I hope I didn't count my chickens before they hatch though. I'd hate to ruin such a good thing!

I hope everyone who reads this blog had a great weekend too!

Until next time.... :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend. You made me hungry with all the talk about cheese. :)

Anonymous said...

that that cheese...i love cheese and miss the closeness of vermont. nevermind the christmas tree shop...we don't have those down here in MD. :(

Seradee said...

Mmmmmm.... cheese! I'm lactose intolerant too. Poor Pete! :)