Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A School Day Vignette

A large sigh............. Gotta love those kids, right? Here's a good one:

Earlier today I was talking to my kids (about what, I can't remember) and mentioned Mr. H.......... (name deleted for anonymity). One of my kids asked, "Who's Mr. H..........?" and, before answering, I asked the same question to the group (everyone was on the floor; I had just read a story): "Does anyone know who Mr. H.......... could be?" One child answered, "Your husband." "Very good," I replied. Then, one of my more outspoken kids shouted out, "I bet he looks like you!" Well, I must have had a quizzical look upon my face and was about to answer, "Well no..." but this kid beat me to the punch. "He looks like you 'cause you have a boy's haircut and it's like a man." Oh boy. I was shocked and peeved all at once. I just sat there and stared at him for a few seconds before I told him he was very rude. Can you believe that? Out of the mouths of babes doesn't apply here--that was downright rude. I've gotta work with him and his manners. (There have been other incidents before this one: last week he untied a decorative bow at the bottom of my shirt while I was standing there talking to him. Again, I was shocked and said that I couldn't believe he had done that, touched my shirt, etc. He looked genuinely sorry and mumbled something about his brain and hands not talking to each other. Geesh.)



Anonymous said...

The biggest problem is that kids don't think before they speak. And they lack tact. I'm trying to teach my little one not to think such things at all, but it's hard.

P.S. I don't think your hair is boyish at all. I'd chop mine like that in a heartbeat if my face were thinner.

Seradee said...

Thanks Anna! I told my mom that story and she thought it was pretty funny. She didn't really think of my student as rude--rather more of stating things like they are. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

that is too funny. shouldn't his parents be the ones teaching him manners? I thought that's what parents were for, among other things!

Geez, no wonder teachers are stressed out and eager to quit! LOL

Seradee said...

Parents teach????? Oh my goodness! That's what WE'RE for! That's what we get PAID to do! (We get told this all the time--those shmucks!!)

Anonymous said...

o my goodness...ridiculous...these parents shouldn't have children then if they think that learning only happens in school.

Seradee said...

Uh huh!!