Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Ramblings

As I sit here at the computer, there's so many things that I could write about. I know I've been horrible at keeping up my blog this year and, in hindsight, I wish I had taken the time to write, even for a little bit each week. Oh well. Now there's a lovely gap. I guess, dear readers, it'll be up to your imagination to fill in the blanks!

Today marked my final day of school. The end of another year. My 8th full year of teaching. My 5th year as a second grade teacher. It's unbelievable how fast time flies. On July 1st, I "officially" become a 3rd grade teacher. Big changes but, I'll write more about that later! (Eeeek! I'm creating more "gaps!")

So, why don't I feel more excited about being done with school? As I pulled into my garage a couple of hours ago, I didn't feel that sense of completion or even of relief. Why? I felt like I was in a stinky mood. Perhaps it's the chilly weather (it's only 66 out!) or maybe because I know I have to go in next week to continue to clean. Maybe it's because I'm all done teaching at my current location and grade. Possibly it's because I had an angry mom call me a half hour after I put the kids on the bus because I didn't hand out the birthday cards that her son brought in (long story but she didn't have one for each student and it's POLICY that each child gets one if they're to be handed out in school. Don't kill the messenger!). It could be too that Pete's working. I miss him when he's at work as I don't see him for 3 days straight. Who knows? (And no, don't get that thought -- it's NOT that time of the month!)

Why am I leaving my current school? Oh, that's kinda a complicated one but perhaps now is a good time for me to lay it out (for myself more than anyone). My district is large and we found out in September that we're to re-district for the 2007-2008 school year. Lots of factors go into that one, mainly because of the school I'm currently in. We're illegal. Sheff v. O'Neil is a lawsuit (a Hartford one) concerning school equity. Well, my school is not equitable meaning that we have a lot of low-income students (60% get free or reduced lunch). To make a complicated story short but probably more complicated, we're re-districting and spreading the kids around. My school, currently with a K-5 student population of 550 will lose just over 100 students. That equates to about 4 teachers. When we were first approached in October, I wanted no part of leaving. One of my co-workers however, has been a real pain in the you know where, and I had had enough (it goes deeper than that but that story is another time, another blog) so I volunteered to leave. That was it. There were no second grades open in the school I wanted to go to so I opted for third grade. After 5 years in second, I figured it was time for a change. Although, I hate to admit it, teaching third grade math scares me. I'm really bad at it. Yes, I know it's third grade math, but, I have to know it in, out, and between, and well, I've never been a strong one in that area. Live and learn, right? Anyway, so, that's where I am. After 6 years in my current school and 5 years in my current classroom, I'm packing up and shipping out. It's been a huge undertaking and I'm quickly running out of boxes. But, it will get done and perhaps, once it is, I'll be able to relax a bit. It could be worse, I could be taking summer classes!!

Moving on...... (I feel better now!) I think I should probably go outside and check on my plants. We had some rain two days ago but I haven't watered them since. My tomato plant is growing (14 greenies and counting!) and she needs nurishment. I've got a few hanging baskets too that dry out quickly.


1 comment:

Anna said...

Wow, it's great to see you back in the blogosphere! I'm sorry that you had to deal with a mean parent. I dealt with a few this year when Jerry coached basketball--and I wasn't even the team mom!!!

Changing schools and grades sounds like such a big change. But I've known you for a very long time, and I know you'll do just fine. You'll have to keep me posted on everything. I love to know the details.

I do hope you'll get to relax some this summer. Now that you're out of school (both schools, in fact) you deserve a break!

Love ya!