Thursday, August 31, 2006

Not too much goin' on (or is there?)

Although it might be interesting to some, I am not going to do a day by day recap of school stuff here on my blog. Oh, there's always something interesting happening at school, whether it's the kids or adults. OK, OK, here's something juicy: I heard that one of our special ed teachers has "come out." Not that that's a bad thing--to each their own--but it's yucky when the teacher MAKES OUT with her instructional assistant (teacher's aide) in the classroom! Yuck!!! There's no kids in the room while they're doing this, but still! They're on duty; they're teachers in a SCHOOL!! There's ALWAYS something interesting going on; gotta love our public schools!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First Day of School

The first day of school has come and gone. It really wasn't all that bad. I have a relatively well-behaved bunch. I have two who are quite the chatterboxes but I'll work on that. I had 2 1/2 of my kids not show up today. One kid (the 1/2) came at lunchtime because (and I just KNEW this would happen!) his mom didn't realize today was the first day of school until some rather large yellow objects drove by her house. I don't know what happened to the other two kids--my attendance program just shows them as having unexcused absences. Oh well. We'll see if they come tomorrow.....

I think I'm going to have a pretty good year. :) The first day is always rough though--we were all so tired come 3:15! When I was finally able to leave, it was just about 4:00. After leaving the house at 6:30 this morning, I was ready to come home.

Until tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

School Starts Tomorrow!!

Well, I've resigned myself to the fact that summer is now over. I've bought some new clothes (no new shoes, but I'll deal), had my hair cut, bought some new makeup, got my classroom ready, put the parking pass on my rearview mirror, and made out the class lists. Tomorrow is the day! I've got 22 students (maybe a 23rd; they randomly show up to register later in the day because, and I quote, "We saw the schoolbus drive by--has school started?" Eeek. The stupidity.) Anyway, I have 4 special ed. students, 4 or 5 ESL students (one of which is also special ed.), and a few students who don't talk much (one didn't start speaking until last year). The thing that gets me is that I have to fit time in my schedule (which has NO extra time) for 10 hours of special ed support (out of classroom), 2.5 hours of in class support (special ed), 160 minutes of speech (combined for 3 kids), ESL support three times a week--half hour each time, and SPANISH support!!!! That really frosted my cupcake. What country do we live in??? Speak the language at home and LEARN ENGLISH IN SCHOOL!!!! It's only 30 minutes once a week, but still! I have to have these kids (the ESL ones) pulled 5 minutes early from the end of my math lesson, 20 minutes from silent reading, and 5 mintues from the beginning of my science lesson (when directions are given) every Wednesday for the entire school year!!! I don't like that ESL teacher either. She's got a bad case of Puerto Rican pride (although I don't think that is what country she's from -- it's one of those in your face "pride in my culture" Spanish countries down in hurricane land). I am professional with her--don't worry about that. One major problem is is that I have her granddaughter in my class this year!! She's already been in my face ("It's my culture" yada yada yada....). I'm a Yankee, ever think about that??? Leave me the hell alone!

Oh Sarah, enough already. (It does feel good to vent though! Yet another reason to NEVER let ANYONE associated with work get ahold of my blog address!!!) Well then, with all that said, I think I'm going to go relax. I'll write back one of these days about how things are going in my classroom.

Adios! (Ooops! Sorry! It should have been: GOOD BYE!!!)

Monday, August 28, 2006

So Tired...........

School starts in a mere 38 hours. Oh the pain, the agony! Eh, who am I kidding? It's really not going to be that bad. I'm just really tired as I spent yet another day getting my room ready. Today was, however, my first official day of work--by contract we had to come in today. Tomorrow it's the same deal. Every single day last week my poor butt was in my room getting it ready for the kidd-o's. After all of the meetings today *snore* I was back at it. I made myself leave at 5:00 so I could come home. And, since finishing supper, guess what I've been doing? Yup, more school work!!! Geesh. At least my room is very organized this year. It's only taken me 8 school years to get this organized. Live and learn, right? One feat, that I am determined to finish by Wednesday morning, is leveling ALL of my books in my classroom library, put them in corresponding containers, AND stick a little sticker on the back of each book that indicates which book box it belongs in. For starters, I have over 5,000 books in my room. Second, they were a mess from last year. Third, I have to arrange them all (by level--easiest to hardest) and stick these &^%*& stickers on them. I must be punishing myself! I also have about 1,000 non-fiction books (not leveled) that I have in containers: bugs & animals, non-fiction (general), and dinosaurs. Once I am done, there will be NO mistaking what book belongs where. If one of my kids even thinks about putting a Horrible Harry book in the dinosaur book box, poor 'ol Mrs. H. is going to flip her lid!!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ah, Ah, Achoo!

Yup, you guessed it: I caught Pete's cold. Lovely. It's not a terribly bad one--I'm stuffed up and have a sinus headache. It's gotten worse since I've gotten home. Oh well. What can ya do?

Stay well everyone!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm A Slacker

Well, not really, but perhaps when it comes to this blog. Ideally, I'd like to post something everyday. Realistically, it's a different story. It's not that I have a lot going on but I'm busy. From Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon, Pete fought a cold. Yesterday, I spent quite a few hours "redding" up my classroom in preparation for the big day next Wednesday. I was there today and will be there tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. I have a lot to do (all of our math curriculum supplies came in this afternoon and I now have 11 giant boxes in my room to unpack, organize, and put away). I'm not complaining -- I love working in my room and tidying it up. I'm actually going to bring in my tabletop fountain (the one you gave me Roxy!) for some soothing sounds this school year. Hopefully it works! :) Well, that's enough for now. I've got to do some stuff in Word so that it's ready to be laminated for tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Breathing a Sigh of Relief..... And Feeling a Sense of Accomplishment

Ahhhhhhhhhhh....... I'm done. 68 pages and about 35 stolen graphics later, I'm done.

I've taken it upon myself to create games, directions for, props, game boards, etc. for all 12 of my new math Topics. I have been at this since just after lunch today. I took a 45 minute break for supper and a 25 minute walk break. Other than that, I have been a slave to this computer. But...... it's all done and ready to be printed and sent through the laminator at work. Now, my question is, should I share it with my fellow teachers? I put A LOT into it. Maybe I'll share it with Heather........

Remind me to NEVER give this blog address out to ANY of my co-workers! This is going to be my place to complain and tell it like it is. If I have any of them reading then I can't speak my mind and what good is that?

I'm done with this computer for today. I'm reading the first book in the "Left Behind" series and I want to do some reading today. I picked up a copy for Dave as well and, since we're seeing them tomorrow, I want to have a little more read before I discuss it with him.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Various Thoughts

I've been meaning to write in my blog a little more than I have in the last few days. It's just that I didn't know what to write. Nothing major or interesting is going on with my life (but I'm not complaining at all -- it just doesn't make for an interesting blog). But, then again, who cares if my blog is interesting? Do I write for myself or for others? Yep, I thought so: ME!! (You just happen to be reading my blog at the moment.)

Right now I'm sitting at my Apple computer sipping an Inko's White Tea (White Peach flavor). I LOVE this tea! As you may or may not know (hey, wait, I'm writing this for me, not you!) anyway, I eat (and drink and wash my hair with) organic stuff. Shaw's, my neighborhood grocery store, has an amazing organic section. All my meats and eggs are free range, cage free, and none of that hormone crap. I eat organic veggies and fruits, enjoy organic snacks, heck, even my coffee filters are organic and non-bleached! Pete, amazingly, goes along with it. My handsoap, shampoo, and conditioner is all organic too. I even bring my own canvas bag to the grocery store! Hooray for healthy and the ethical treatment of plants and animals!!!

Hmmmm...... what else? I am about to work on my new math curriculum. We're switching from MathLand (total CRAP!! I HATED that math program!) to Growing With Math. I am in the process of organizing it all. We have 12 "Topics" to teach, with 10-15 lessons in each "Topic." I have 12 books (one for each topic) with the needed lessons in it. For example, Topic One is "Reviewing Number and Time Concepts." I didn't like the box that all of the books came in so..... I bought 2 three inch binders to put everything in. Today, I took all the staples out of each of my 12 Topic books so that I could fit everything into the electric hole punch at school (defacing school property! Whatever will I do?!?) and put it all in binders (one binder for Topics 1 - 6 and the second for Topics 7 - 12). I also copied 200+ pages from the Black Line Master book to put into folders that correspond with each Topic. Hooray for organization and a bit of destruction on the side!!

I'm also in the process of making baby shower cards for Erika (she's due in March). I went to Michael's today and spent over an hour in the store slaving over choices and the look I was going for. I spent $35.00 on supplies. I started the cards before I ate supper and I don't like them!!! I think I'm going to have to find my new markers (packed away with all my school stuff) and add some more color on the front. Ugh. More work that I was planning on but they'll be pretty in the end. (Aren't I cocky?)

My feet stink (as usual) and I'm wearing my new St. Joe's shirt. (I think people think I'm in college when I wear it. Heh Heh Heh, I look 21, don't I??) I had leftovers for supper (and, still have some left!!). I'm listening to my very own playlist on iTunes (Pete would be proud!) and I'm still sipping my tea. I'm contemplating turning off the A/C and opening the windows again. I should have just stuck it out while it was humid for about 3 hours earlier. I think it's such a waste to have the thing run for the better part of the day just for it to blow out the windows because I have a bug to open up the house. What kind of naturalist am I, anyway? Yeah, I'm gonna go shut it off......

Moving on to school...... I got an A in my last class (that killer 6 credit one I took in 2 1/2 weeks)!!!!! I found out yesterday. Hooray! I'm very proud of my 4.0 average!!! Just 2 classes to go! I will be graduating on May 20, 2007 (hopefully magna cum laude!!!!). What does that mean anyway? Anna, do you know?

Oh boy, have I ever rambled on. For those of you who thought I had been slacking, I hope you've enjoyed and gotten your fill of the glasses wearing, freckle marked, green eyed, cat loving, tree hugging, teacher-type-person. Yep--that's me!!!

Yes, those are my feet. (Don't get too close -- they smell!)

Now, let the comments come!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

I Feel Blah....

I don't feel very well.... I have a headache and I'm very tired. I can't think of very much to write so I don't think I will.....

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lieberman: Ousted (Or So We Think....)

Yesterday was the Democratic primary in Connecticut. Yes, I am a Democrat (Pete is a Republican -- we won't go there). I voted for Ned Lamont (even have a lawn sign). Joe Lieberman, who's been our senator for 18 years, lost the Democratic nomination to run on the Dem's ticket this coming November. Now, most people would think that he'd give it up, heck, he lost, right? Nope. Joe has been quietly petitioning for the past 5 or so weeks to get the 7,500 needed signatures to switch parties. Yup. He's going to run as an Independent this coming November. I don't like that. Lieberman's not a bad guy, it's just that I don't like the flip flopping. I know Pete's going to vote for him (it's been said that Joe is the Republican's favorite Democrat. It would be only natural for Pete to vote for him seeing as the guy running on the Republican ticket is a putz). Gotta love politics, right?

Picture to Left: Ned Lamont
Picture to Right: Joe Lieberman

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mom Came to Visit!!

Last evening, Mom surprised me by asking if I'd like some company for today. Of course I said yes! Mom got here at 7:30 this morning and just left a few minutes ago. I showed her all of my pictures that I took during my time with Anna (it's a 10 minute slide show!) and then we went to Staples to hit them up for more pencil boxes. After Staples, we headed to Petco as we had some time to kill before the quilt shop in Simsbury opened. Mom got a few toys for Diana (crazy feral that she is). We then drove over to Sew Inspired. From there, we headed to Plainville -- Pete wanted to see the new car that my parents just bought. We met Pete at work, showed him the car, and then went to my most favorite restaurant in the world: Imperial Buffet. We had a few minutes at the house before meeting Roxy at a house here in town that she and Dave might be interested in buying. We were there for an hour and a half. The house was large but very dirty -- the current owners are kinda gross. Overall, the house was very nice. Mom headed out a few minutes ago as to beat the rush hour traffic in and around Hartford. Pete and I are going out there on Friday to celebrate Adam's birthday that was this past Sunday. Chow!

Monday, August 07, 2006

My Visit With Anna, Jerry, & Francesca

I had such a wonderful visit with Anna, Jerry, and my God-daughter Francesca! Here's a little run-down of some of the things we did:

Thursday: I arrived at BWI an hour late (no one quite knew why we were late). After a few fearful minutes, I found Anna, Jerry & Francesca (on the OTHER side of security! I can be such a dolt!!). They took me back to their house to unload all of my things. A little later on, we went for a ride to the mall (which had some really neat stores in it). We had dinner at Johnny Rocket's. Anna and I then stayed up late talking.

Friday: Both Anna and Jerry had to work. Anna was working a half day so I stayed home with Francesca (who's 6) during the morning hours. She and I colored, played Barbies (one of which got "eaten" by a T-Rex), and then created our very own paper dragon (I drew and cut, she colored and glued, and, oh yes, told me what to draw!). Anna arrived home at 1:30 and then the 3 of us went to the library (one of the best I've ever seen!). We picked Jerry up a little later on and they took me to an Amish Farmer's Market! I was in Heaven! We had dinner there and then checked out all of the Amish goodies (homemade jams, breads, cookies, whoopie pies, pretzels, quilts, furniture........). If I had been able to, I would have picked up some jam, a pie for my father, and about 3 dozen whoopie pies for myself. I did buy my mother a handmade (quilted) pot holder. The quilts, as beautiful as they were, were upwards of $700.00. Mom's little potholder was only $6.95. After the Amish market, we quickly went to Barnes & Noble so Francesca could pick up her free book and then we headed to a wonderful park right on the Chesapeake Bay. Anna and I stayed up talking again (we talked to 2:00 a.m.!!!).

Saturday: We went to Washington D.C.!! We drove to the Metro station (subway) in Bethesda MD and met up with Serena and Cris. We then took the Metro into D.C. We took the Metro right to the Mall. The above picture of the Washington Monument was taken right from where the subway station was (above ground of course!). We walked past the Washington Monument to the WW II Memorial (second picture). It was beautiful. This picture doesn't capture the entire monument. From there, we walked to the Viet Nam Memorial and then to the Lincoln Memorial (above). From there, we walked to the Korean War Memorial and then back toward the Washington Monument, headed to the Museum of American History (part of the Smithsonian). We saw Jim Henson's Muppets display (yes Dave, I took pictures. The Muppets we saw were the real deal!). After that, we hit up a few gift shops (I got Pete some of NASA's freeze dried ice cream) and then headed home. It had been quite hot out and we were all beat. That evening Anna made some kick-ass tacos and she and I went through her many CDs picking out which songs she wanted Pete to load onto her new MP3 player. We then went upstairs and talked well past 2:00 a.m.! There were some great discussions to be had! :)

Sunday: Jerry made scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes for breakfast. Mmmmmmmm...... Following breakfast, we went to Wal-Mart (had to scope out Francesca's Christmas present from Auntie) and then took a ride to see Francesca's school. After that, we went to a park quite near BWI so Francesca could ride her scooter. We took a nice walk and then headed to BWI. I had a 3:35 flight and wanted to get to the airport between 2:00-2:30. We hung out for a while before I went through security. Once going through security, I waved goodbye and was on my way. It was hard to say goodbye, especially to one of the sweetest 6 years I know. I arrived at Bradley right on time. Pete picked me up and surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I guess he really did miss me!

Anna~ I had a wonderful trip and cherish the time I spent with you. You and I had some heart to heart talks and spent some time just being girls again. I loved it!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I'll never stop loving you!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Today is the Day!

I'm going to be leaving in about 2 1/2 hours for the airport. I'll be arriving in Baltimore by 5:00 this evening. Hopefully it won't be as hot........

I will post again on Monday (with pictures from my trip).

Anna: I'm coming!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm So Excited!

Tomorrow I am going to see Anna!! I haven't started packing yet but that's on my To Do list for today. I've started gathering a few things and yesterday I made my list. I'm really looking forward to seeing her, Jerry, and Francesca again. I even get to spend some quality time with Francesca (just the 2 of us!) on Friday morning. She's the cutest thing and I'm sure we're going to have a good time together. I'm glad that the weather is going to cooperate this weekend. It looks as if it's going to be in the mid-80s. I'm really looking forward to going to D.C. with my 3 hosts. Thanks again Anna! I can't wait to see you!!

Well, that's it for now. I've gotta get ready for the day and water my plants. They seem OK but today is going to be even hotter than yesterday. It's on 7:10 but it's already nasty outside! It's been a long time since we've had heat like this. I don't mind though (I have A/C!).

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy August!

Wow. I can't believe it. August is here. I go back to school THIS MONTH!! Ugh. I wait all year for summer vacation and it's over in a flash. Oh well.

It's been forcasted that today, tomorrow, and part of Thursday that we're going to have temps at and possibly over 100. Wow. I better go outside and water my plants soon so they don't get stressed during the day. I don't want to lose them.

I'll be leaving for Anna's in 2 days! I'm excited but a little nervous too. I haven't been on a plane in 9 years and I've never flown by myself before. At least it's a direct flight. I'd really be scared if I had to change flights! Anna: I can't wait to see you!!

Well, I should go get ready for the day. I've eaten but haven't done my hair or made the bed yet.

Stay cool everyone!