Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First Day of School

The first day of school has come and gone. It really wasn't all that bad. I have a relatively well-behaved bunch. I have two who are quite the chatterboxes but I'll work on that. I had 2 1/2 of my kids not show up today. One kid (the 1/2) came at lunchtime because (and I just KNEW this would happen!) his mom didn't realize today was the first day of school until some rather large yellow objects drove by her house. I don't know what happened to the other two kids--my attendance program just shows them as having unexcused absences. Oh well. We'll see if they come tomorrow.....

I think I'm going to have a pretty good year. :) The first day is always rough though--we were all so tired come 3:15! When I was finally able to leave, it was just about 4:00. After leaving the house at 6:30 this morning, I was ready to come home.

Until tomorrow! :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, school doesn't get out til 3:15? Francesca's out at 2:30 everyday, except every Friday they are dismissed at 12:15. She's cranky on the half-days LOL!

I can't believe that parents don't know when school starts until they see the bus! That's insane!

I'll email you about Francesca's first day when I get a chance. Work's been really busy this week!

Have a nice rest of the school week!
Love ya.

Seradee said...

Hi Anna. The kids don't get on the bus until 3:35-3:40. It's a long day!

Don't worry about not being able to e-mail me back--I know you're at work and that you're busy!

I hope you have a good day tomorrow! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW those parents must be did my parents and your parents and everyone elses parents figure out that school started??? LOL