Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's Raining Again!!

Ugh. I can't stand it. Another day of rain! Things are actually starting to rot and grow mold outside. Yesterday, as I cut the lawn, I was amazed to find white mold actually growing right on the ground. One of my big oak trees in the front yard has about 30 moldy dark brown mushroom type things growing up the trunk. That requires a lot of moisture! Some of my flowers are rotting and dying (mainly my geraniums). It's pouring out yet again.........

Why so much rain as of late? I've begun to wonder about the whole global warming thing (which IS happening at a rather alarming rate). The polar ice is melting, thus creating more water in the liquid state and less water in the solid state. More liquid water means more evaporation, thus meaning more water in gas form in the atmosphere. Clouds form and then the rain comes down. I haven't read anything on this -- it's just a theory I have myself. I've been feeling for a while now that major things are happening with the earth and more is on the way (i.e. severe weather that we're not accustomed to). It's all food for thought but it's also weighing heavily on my mind.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that something is just not right with the weather lately. It finally cleared up here, but everything is still soggy and damp. It's like breathing through a sponge outside, it's so hot and humid. I've been in MD for nearly 5 years now and have never seen rain/flooding like this.