Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm A Slacker

Well, not really, but perhaps when it comes to this blog. Ideally, I'd like to post something everyday. Realistically, it's a different story. It's not that I have a lot going on but I'm busy. From Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon, Pete fought a cold. Yesterday, I spent quite a few hours "redding" up my classroom in preparation for the big day next Wednesday. I was there today and will be there tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. I have a lot to do (all of our math curriculum supplies came in this afternoon and I now have 11 giant boxes in my room to unpack, organize, and put away). I'm not complaining -- I love working in my room and tidying it up. I'm actually going to bring in my tabletop fountain (the one you gave me Roxy!) for some soothing sounds this school year. Hopefully it works! :) Well, that's enough for now. I've got to do some stuff in Word so that it's ready to be laminated for tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

sounds like you are really ready...good luck this year

Seradee said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe the summer is nearly over. Where has the time gone?

Seradee said...

I know.......... but, technically, the first day of fall isn't until September 23rd.