Thursday, August 31, 2006

Not too much goin' on (or is there?)

Although it might be interesting to some, I am not going to do a day by day recap of school stuff here on my blog. Oh, there's always something interesting happening at school, whether it's the kids or adults. OK, OK, here's something juicy: I heard that one of our special ed teachers has "come out." Not that that's a bad thing--to each their own--but it's yucky when the teacher MAKES OUT with her instructional assistant (teacher's aide) in the classroom! Yuck!!! There's no kids in the room while they're doing this, but still! They're on duty; they're teachers in a SCHOOL!! There's ALWAYS something interesting going on; gotta love our public schools!


Anonymous said...

oh my! that's just wrong!

Anonymous said...

OK, I have no problem with gays etc. but on school property while at work making out is just wrong. i could see a peck on the cheek or lips when you greet one another in the morning or afternoon before and after school, but DURING! MY goodness and this is in public school...EW

Seradee said...

I totally agree with you Serena. I have no problem with how people live their lives. But, to see it during the work day is, well, not professional and a bit disturbing too. I'm glad I haven't seen them yet--they are on a different floor from me.

Anonymous said...

you are lucky in that case. I wouldnt want to see unprofessional behavior like that. I only kiss cris when he drops me off and picks me up not while at work! granted he doesn't work with me, but still