Tuesday, August 29, 2006

School Starts Tomorrow!!

Well, I've resigned myself to the fact that summer is now over. I've bought some new clothes (no new shoes, but I'll deal), had my hair cut, bought some new makeup, got my classroom ready, put the parking pass on my rearview mirror, and made out the class lists. Tomorrow is the day! I've got 22 students (maybe a 23rd; they randomly show up to register later in the day because, and I quote, "We saw the schoolbus drive by--has school started?" Eeek. The stupidity.) Anyway, I have 4 special ed. students, 4 or 5 ESL students (one of which is also special ed.), and a few students who don't talk much (one didn't start speaking until last year). The thing that gets me is that I have to fit time in my schedule (which has NO extra time) for 10 hours of special ed support (out of classroom), 2.5 hours of in class support (special ed), 160 minutes of speech (combined for 3 kids), ESL support three times a week--half hour each time, and SPANISH support!!!! That really frosted my cupcake. What country do we live in??? Speak the language at home and LEARN ENGLISH IN SCHOOL!!!! It's only 30 minutes once a week, but still! I have to have these kids (the ESL ones) pulled 5 minutes early from the end of my math lesson, 20 minutes from silent reading, and 5 mintues from the beginning of my science lesson (when directions are given) every Wednesday for the entire school year!!! I don't like that ESL teacher either. She's got a bad case of Puerto Rican pride (although I don't think that is what country she's from -- it's one of those in your face "pride in my culture" Spanish countries down in hurricane land). I am professional with her--don't worry about that. One major problem is is that I have her granddaughter in my class this year!! She's already been in my face ("It's my culture" yada yada yada....). I'm a Yankee, ever think about that??? Leave me the hell alone!

Oh Sarah, enough already. (It does feel good to vent though! Yet another reason to NEVER let ANYONE associated with work get ahold of my blog address!!!) Well then, with all that said, I think I'm going to go relax. I'll write back one of these days about how things are going in my classroom.

Adios! (Ooops! Sorry! It should have been: GOOD BYE!!!)


Seradee said...

Just testing it out-- I just added that word verification thing (down below). I was getting too many freakazoids on here leaving me weird comments. Sorry! :(

Anonymous said...

Why don't you tell us how you really feel? LOL

They certainly work you to the bone. Thank goodness you're good at what you do and enjoy it, too.

Hope you have a good day today! Love ya!

Seradee said...

Hi Anna. Sorry about my ranting and raving. You know how it is sometimes--at the moment you're so worked up and then later, you've cooled off a bit. Those issues I spoke about still peeve me but I'm in cool down mode right now. But, believe me, I'll be blogging about more things that fire me up! :)

Anonymous said...

wow....that's a lot to deal with and why do you have these kids, do you have a special degree?