Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Various Thoughts

I've been meaning to write in my blog a little more than I have in the last few days. It's just that I didn't know what to write. Nothing major or interesting is going on with my life (but I'm not complaining at all -- it just doesn't make for an interesting blog). But, then again, who cares if my blog is interesting? Do I write for myself or for others? Yep, I thought so: ME!! (You just happen to be reading my blog at the moment.)

Right now I'm sitting at my Apple computer sipping an Inko's White Tea (White Peach flavor). I LOVE this tea! As you may or may not know (hey, wait, I'm writing this for me, not you!) anyway, I eat (and drink and wash my hair with) organic stuff. Shaw's, my neighborhood grocery store, has an amazing organic section. All my meats and eggs are free range, cage free, and none of that hormone crap. I eat organic veggies and fruits, enjoy organic snacks, heck, even my coffee filters are organic and non-bleached! Pete, amazingly, goes along with it. My handsoap, shampoo, and conditioner is all organic too. I even bring my own canvas bag to the grocery store! Hooray for healthy and the ethical treatment of plants and animals!!!

Hmmmm...... what else? I am about to work on my new math curriculum. We're switching from MathLand (total CRAP!! I HATED that math program!) to Growing With Math. I am in the process of organizing it all. We have 12 "Topics" to teach, with 10-15 lessons in each "Topic." I have 12 books (one for each topic) with the needed lessons in it. For example, Topic One is "Reviewing Number and Time Concepts." I didn't like the box that all of the books came in so..... I bought 2 three inch binders to put everything in. Today, I took all the staples out of each of my 12 Topic books so that I could fit everything into the electric hole punch at school (defacing school property! Whatever will I do?!?) and put it all in binders (one binder for Topics 1 - 6 and the second for Topics 7 - 12). I also copied 200+ pages from the Black Line Master book to put into folders that correspond with each Topic. Hooray for organization and a bit of destruction on the side!!

I'm also in the process of making baby shower cards for Erika (she's due in March). I went to Michael's today and spent over an hour in the store slaving over choices and the look I was going for. I spent $35.00 on supplies. I started the cards before I ate supper and I don't like them!!! I think I'm going to have to find my new markers (packed away with all my school stuff) and add some more color on the front. Ugh. More work that I was planning on but they'll be pretty in the end. (Aren't I cocky?)

My feet stink (as usual) and I'm wearing my new St. Joe's shirt. (I think people think I'm in college when I wear it. Heh Heh Heh, I look 21, don't I??) I had leftovers for supper (and, still have some left!!). I'm listening to my very own playlist on iTunes (Pete would be proud!) and I'm still sipping my tea. I'm contemplating turning off the A/C and opening the windows again. I should have just stuck it out while it was humid for about 3 hours earlier. I think it's such a waste to have the thing run for the better part of the day just for it to blow out the windows because I have a bug to open up the house. What kind of naturalist am I, anyway? Yeah, I'm gonna go shut it off......

Moving on to school...... I got an A in my last class (that killer 6 credit one I took in 2 1/2 weeks)!!!!! I found out yesterday. Hooray! I'm very proud of my 4.0 average!!! Just 2 classes to go! I will be graduating on May 20, 2007 (hopefully magna cum laude!!!!). What does that mean anyway? Anna, do you know?

Oh boy, have I ever rambled on. For those of you who thought I had been slacking, I hope you've enjoyed and gotten your fill of the glasses wearing, freckle marked, green eyed, cat loving, tree hugging, teacher-type-person. Yep--that's me!!!

Yes, those are my feet. (Don't get too close -- they smell!)

Now, let the comments come!!


Anonymous said...

I didn't know that you had so much time on your hands. I am at work and I have more time than you. See you soon Love PoP

Seradee said...

Hi Pop! Thanks for reading! :)
I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been busy. I can't wait to see the shower invites. :)

Congrats on a job well done in that class. If you have a 4.0 overall, you will graduate summa cum laude, not magna cum laude.

Here's what it all means:

Love ya!

Seradee said...

Yeah, I knew that. Oh boy, maybe I don't deserve it! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, stop!

You've worked so hard for it, so you better enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the As!

can't wait to see these shower invites! However, if you outdo mine, I may have to kill ya...LOL JK

Seradee said...

Uh oh! What are YOU doing?

Anonymous said...

i'm kidding...i meant the ones i made for e's bridal shower

Seradee said...

Oh! Actually, they're along the same lines as those. I bought some of those heavy paper cutouts used for scrapbooking as well as some scrapbooking stickers (baby style!) and 2 rubber stamps. They're somewhat cute I guess! :)

Anonymous said...

sounds cute...you should post a picture on here of them...i'm nosey!

Seradee said...

Hmmmm........ no sneak peeks! :)