Monday, July 17, 2006

Dance Day #9

I can't believe that today is July 17th already. I've been out of school (work) for just about a month. Another 5 weeks or so and I'll be headin' back!

Today was our 9th day of dance. This week is it -- our dress rehersal is on Thursday and the performance is on Friday. Pete, Mom H., Roxy, and Dave are all coming to my performance. Mom and Pop would if they could but they're in Michigan right now and won't be home until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Today went pretty well. We all went through the whole performance, stopping now and again to tweak things (I had to be tweaked once, I'll admit. I looked around while I was supposed to be standing deathly still. Oh well.). My back muscles are the problem -- man o' man are they sore! I've been keeping a tube of Ben Gay in my bag. Today I brought a box of IcyHot muscle patches too. This morning, after just 30 minutes of dancing, I slathered that minty smelling stuff all over my back! It helped for most of the day. Around 2:30. the pain returned! I put an IcyHot patch on at the end of the day -- still have it on now -- to ease the mighty pain coming from the muscles on both sides of my spine. I even have a muscle ache over my rib bones (the ones in your back -- yeah, there's muscles there!). My back itself is OK, it's just those darn muscles! I can hike up Talcott Mountain and not have a problem, but dance! Oh, that's a different story for my poor 28 year old body. My muscles just don't like moving the way I've been moving them. Jump, jump, knees to chin, clap, clap, turn, spin around, arms over head -- wave 'em too! -- jump, jump, spin around, clap, clap -- don't forget to smile! -- now switch and start with you left side! Jump, clap, swing, booty shake, jump, knees to chin, clap, clap, clap, breathing hard, collapsing to the floor. Ow!

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