Sunday, July 16, 2006

Holy Hotness!

Oh boy -- today was a hot one! I didn't think it was that bad until Pete and I left his mother's house this evening (it was her birthday today!). After being in and out, in and out, in and out of the heat and the A/C, I felt quite sick to my stomach. All the way home, I was very uncomfortable. Pete, as kind as he is, just made me some Alkaseltzer to drink. I feel a little better. I don't think it helped eating a big meal at Ruby Tuesday and then having cake and ice cream. I swear I could feel the ice cream curdling in my stomach as we drove home.

The heat never really bothers me if I just stay out in it. What bothers me is the constant changes in temperature. Either I need to stay in where it's cool or I need to stay out where it's hot. No fluctuation between two extremes and I'm fine. 92 degrees isn't that bad. Tomorrow it's going to be 97 but I'm going to be trapped inside all day practicing my dance steps (or attemping to anyway). I really shouldn't complain though -- it IS July! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankfully, I didn't have to go out in the heat yesterday. And it was a good thing that Jerry's softball game wasn't until 6 last night. I watched the weather channel this morning, and today's high is 101! I don't want to think about packing in the train this afternoon with all those sweaty people!