Monday, July 03, 2006


OK -- I'm going to vent now..... I am sick and tired of working on my master's!!! I hate the professors just to get a good grade. For instance, I've got to have a "reflection journal" for my next class (which starts this Wednesday). I haven't touched the journal until about 10 minutes ago (in fact, I just went out and bought the journal an hour ago!). We're supposed to have read all 3 text books and have 4 journal entries AND post on Blackboard (with 5 responses) ALL FOR WEDNESDAY!! Here goes the part! I've written 2 journal entries so far, one dated 4-22-06 and the other dated 6-3-06 and I've written about how much I'm looking forward to the course (not true) and how much I am going to learn from it (yeah right). I actually am dreading the course (it's 13 days -- M-F, beginning on July 5 and ending on July 21 -- for 8 hours a day!! To make it even worse, it's a DANCE class! I don't dance, I CAN'T dance, and I don't like dancing!!) The sole reason that I am taking this course is because it's a 6 credit summer class. That's it! Blah I say. So, now that I've roped myself into it, I've got to do a lot of because I want an A. After this class, I've only got 2 more classes to go until graduation. I've made it this far with a 4.0 and I'm not going to mess that up now. So.... I'll do what I do best (as Pete says) and brown nose until the class is over. I'll do everything they want, when they want and, if that means making up stuff (like now) then, so be it. What else can I do? Say forget it and blow my A average? Not only that, it's costing me $3,400 to take this course!! Blah I say, blah!!!!


Seradee said...

I'm done. Yup, I posted to Blackboard and wrote in my reflection journal. I DIDN'T read any of the textbooks yet... I will if I need to. I usually do do all of the reading for my courses but, I have heard from people who took the course last year that the texts are useless and the professor does nothing with them. Hmmm. Maybe I won't be reading after all?

Anonymous said...

Well, you were voted "Class Apple Shiner" or something like that. :P LOL