Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Day Today...

Ugh. I'm beat. I've literally been at my school work for over 6 hours (just about straight). My neck is getting tired and I'm starting to get antsy. I think it's time to call it quits for today and move on to bigger and better things (like watering my flowers and doing some hand trimming outside).
My Day:

5:30 a.m.: Alarm went off for Pete. He got up and hit the snooze button. Pete then decided to snuggle with me until the alarm went off again.

5:39: Pesky alarm again. Pete got up to shut it off and then came back to bed with me to snuggle for another 6 minutes.

5:45: Pete got up. I laid there for a few more minutes.

5:50: I'm up; a little bleary eyed but up nonetheless.

5:50-6:30: I got up, opened all the blinds, fed the cats, got dressed, went outside to get the paper, started the coffee, toasted 2 English muffins, and began to eat breakfast (after leaving Pete his daily banana, Vitamin C tablet, and a travel mug filled with blueberry coffee).

6:30: Pete leaves for work. I went outside to say goodbye and to wave as he drove off.

6:30-6:45: I finished breakfast and reading the paper. Clean up time.

6:45-7:20: Did my hair and made the bed.

7:20-7:40: Called mom (my morning ritual while on vacation)

7:40-7:50: Tidied up around the house. Kissed my kitties.

7:50-10:00: Went to Wal-Mart and picked up some stuff that I needed. I also bought my brother a ton of stuff for his birthday. He's a bachelor and about to get laid off ($ is tight). I bought him a bag of pretzels, toilet paper, bar soap, boxed mac & cheese, band aids, a 2-pack of Tidy Bowl (one for each toilet!), laundry soap, 2 boxes of tissues, a 4-pack of sugar free Red Bull (yuck!), a bottle of Febreeze (he needs it), 2 rolls of paper towels (the cheap ones), and a can of hash. After Wal-Mart I headed to Barnes and Noble (had to wait 10 minutes for them to open) and then to Shaw's for some mid-week groceries.

10:00-10:30: Came home and put everything away.

10:30-10:35: Called the kayak rental place down the road. He told me to call back on Saturday to make Sunday reservations. (Pete and I are going to kayak down the Farmington on Sunday. It's going to be about 12 miles on the river. I can't wait!! The weather looks great too!)

10:35-11:45: Worked on my assignment (a huge unit with 10+ lessons -- useless) for my summer class. I started to print a 214 page manual (The Connecticut Framework: K-12 Curricular Goals and Standards). I had to print it in 50 page incriments. While it was printing, I would grab bunches of the already-printed stuff, collate it, punch holes in it, and stick it in the new 3-ring binder I picked up at the Mart this morning. The printing took a real long time but my ink never ran out!!

11:45-12:30: Took a break for lunch. Watched the 12:00 news.

12:30-3:45: Continued to work on my assignment (ugh). Mom called somewhere in there so that was a nice break. Finished up my binder with the CT Framework.

3:45-4:10: Took a walk. I needed to get out.

4:10-4:55: Went back to work on my assignment (*&%$*!@ UNIT!!!)

4:55-5:20: Heated up my leftovers from lunch. Watched the 5:00 news.

5:20-6:20: Came back to work on my %$&*!@*! assignment. I think I'm about half done. What a waste of a day. I'm not even gonna use this crap in my classroom. Oh well.

6:20-6:40: Posting on my blog. Like you want to read this. Too bad. I'm in the typing mode.....

6:40-9:30: I'm gonna go back outside and do some trimming and watering. Then, I'm going to read. After that, shower time.

9:30: Pete will be home from work!!! Hooray!

10:00: Bed

Tomorrow: Repeat today. :(


Anonymous said...

Hi: I read your blog, it's cool. It is 2311 hrs. love PoP.

Seradee said...

Hi Pop. Thanks for checking it out. I was wondering if you would!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a busy day. At least you get a short respite (with me!!!) soon!

Seradee said...

Yippee! Next week tomorrow I will see you!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW sarah is coming to visit soon...holy cow!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.